*The* Javascript environment for Webflow



We are grateful to our new friends at Renflow Designs for conducting a Twitter poll this week. 93.8% prefer Slater as your primary Webflow Javascript environment. With the recent updates at Codesandbox, we hope that the 2 csb users join us at Slater.app soon.


We updated the Slater Webflow Designer App and are eagerly awaiting its approval for release. This updated version includes the new Slater experience (with slightly less functionality due to the size limitations of Designer Apps). ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

๐ŸšจFYI, we generally recommend using Slater.app over the Designer App, as it is full featured and provides a larger workspace for writing Javascript and interacting with Slater the AI. But, if you need to make quick edits, the Designer App remains a convenient option.


Javascript 101: CSS Loader

This week weโ€™ll skip the Javascript lesson and show you how we used Slater to create the Documentation loading experience. Slater is optimized for Javascript but it can be very useful for some CSS use cases. Watch the recording.

Go to Slater.app and try building your own custom loading experience.

Happy coding!


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๐Ÿ™ If Slater helps you create better websites, please support the team behind it.

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Welcome To Slater!

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Are you using Webflow localization? We've received several requests to provide better support for it, so we're working on an update. I just finished writing the code. We need to do some testing before releasing the update early next week. Community library scripts โฏ๏ธ Pause/Reset Video Embed on Click Stops all iframe videos by resetting their source on '.close-video' button click. From Corey Moen. โฐ Progress Bar TimerJavaScript code to dynamically update a progress bar based on time between...

The AI world moves fast, and we are keeping up. This week, OpenAI released a new model, GPT 4.o mini. GPT 4.0 mini is an improved, cost-effective model that we are supporting under Slater's free tier. The default Slater AI will continue to be powered by GPT 3.5 as we test GPT 4.0 mini, but you can configure GPT 4.0 mini or even GPT 4.0 (paid) today. Community library scripts ๐Ÿ“ Fix Paragraph Runts With Nonbreaking SpacePrevent single-word runts in HTML elements with the class `.no-runt`. From...

We're back from a company-wide summer pause (or winter pause for our Southern Hemisphere team members). Edgar Allan is hitting it's numbers! Let's look at some new Community Library scripts: ๐Ÿ‘€ Dynamically loads HTML content based on a random number. This is a quick script we wrote to give a dynamic intro into a soon-to-be-released https://edgarallan.com. https://slater.app/community_library/random-content-aee7f7f2-3ab8-4e6f-887e-ea54cad0ebbf From Jared Malan โœ๏ธ Create a variable for your...