πŸš€ GPT 4o mini out now



The AI world moves fast, and we are keeping up. This week, OpenAI released a new model, GPT 4.o mini. GPT 4.0 mini is an improved, cost-effective model that we are supporting under Slater's free tier. The default Slater AI will continue to be powered by GPT 3.5 as we test GPT 4.0 mini, but you can configure GPT 4.0 mini or even GPT 4.0 (paid) today.


Community library scripts

πŸ“ Fix Paragraph Runts With Nonbreaking Space​
Prevent single-word runts in HTML elements with the class `.no-runt`. From Corey Moen.


🟦 Navbar color change depending on hovered section
Dynamically update element colors on scroll based on visible section attributes. From Digipop.


☎️ Validate phone numbers​
Validates phone number format and handles errors on input field blur. From Jared Malan.


Javascript 101: AI-enabled Javascript Development

Given the release of a new model, let's quickly run through all of the ways that AI can support you in your know-code efforts. We'll start with some obvious ideas and move to some that you probably haven't considered.

  1. Code Generation: Describe the functionality you need, and Slater AI can generate boilerplate code or entire functions.
  2. Debugging Assistance: Highlight some code and click debug. Slater AI can help identify bugs, suggest fixes, and explain error messages.
  3. Documentation: Click "document it for me" to write beautiful documentation for your file.
  4. Learning and Explanation: Ask Slater AI to explain complex JavaScript concepts or provide examples.
  5. Code Refactoring: Slater AI can suggest improvements to your code structure, optimizing for readability and performance. This is something I just added to my AI-enabled development this week.
  6. Testing: Slater AI can help identify edge cases and consider scenarios you haven't thought up.
  7. Performance Optimization: Slater AI can analyze your code and suggest ways to improve its efficiency.
  8. Code Review: Slater AI can review your code, highlighting potential issues and suggesting best practices.
  9. Solution Recommendations: Slater AI can suggest appropriate tools based on your project requirements.

And let's discuss a few tip on how to get the most of Slater AI:

  1. Clearly articulate your needs or questions.
  2. Provide context about your project and users.
  3. Review and understand AI-generated code before implementing.
  4. Use AI as a complement to your skills, not a replacement.
  5. Stay updated on AI capabilities and integrate them into your workflow.

Short & sweet. I'll leave you with a question, how well are you incorporating AI into your life?

Your projects, supported by Slater

​Leon built this beautiful site using Slater and GSAP. :chefs kiss: Go check it out: https://www.donkersloot-tapijt.nl/en.




Happy coding!

πŸ€™ the Slater Team


If Slater helps you create better websites, please support the team behind it.

Welcome To Slater!

Slater resources, updates and community activity

Read more from Welcome To Slater!

You may recall that the original Slater had access controls for projects and files. We didn't want just anyone going in there and rewriting our Javascript. However, managing access for teammates became cumbersome (I even added a "god mode" to give myself access to any project or file). Since we generally trusted each other and never had issues, we decided to leave it out of the latest version of Slater. That said, we understand that some teams work differently, and maintaining control can be...


We're going to take a brief break from the regular newsletter format to celebrate the release of ask.edgarallan.com. Today, let's hear from Mason Poe, the Founder of Edgar Allan and Slater. I'm thrilled to announce the launch of ask.edgarallan.com and the start of a new conversation. We can all feel it: the web is changing in ways that seem both dramatic and, in a weird way, imperceptible. At times, it’s hard to know where to start exploring what could be next. Sometimes, when you think...

Our new Edgar Allan website, which we're launching next week 🀫, uses over 3,000 lines of code. It’s a bit unwieldy! To better support the new EA website and similar JavaScript-heavy projects, we’ve added slater_import. This feature allows you to write a function once and then reuse it across all the files in your project. You can see how to use it here. ⬇️ Not ready to watch the video? No problem. To import a file, simply start typing the name of the file you want to import and click on the...