Community Library Updates


Hey Slater Squad πŸ‘‹
For Slater Roundup 25, we have:

  • Slater Merch!
  • Slater Community Library
  • Slater Events To Come

Alright - let's go!

Community Library V1

We are getting very close to releasing a V1 of the Community Snippet Library. This will allow you to upload snippets and save them directly in to your Slater project.

We had a great conversation with some Slater users and will be releasing more info soon.

In the meantime, get your code snippets gathered in order for upload!

Slater Merch Is Here!

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Edgar Allan
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5:48 PM β€’ Oct 26, 2023

Slater merch dropped this week. If you come on a Slater Session from now on, you will receive this merch from now on πŸ™Œ

Slater Sessions

We're really stepping up Slater Sessions moving forward.

People don't know when events are and part of that is they are not planned early enough so we're making sure events are planned weeks in advance now.

​AilΓ­n Tobin - 2nd November

​Corey Moen - 3rd November

​Josiah DueΓ±es - 9th November

Case Studies

We're writing case studies to clearly communicate specific examples drawing heavily off what community members are sharing (like this one with Josiah DueΓ±es).

The key thing we want to show is "What can you do with custom code that you can't do/is a pain to do with native Webflow?"

This is coming soon to the website with a lot more content.

Tweet Of The Week

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11:40 PM β€’ Oct 26, 2023

Good to have you!

That's all for this week folks!

See you soon,

Slater Team

1295 Canyon View Rd, Midway, UT 84049
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Welcome To Slater!

Slater resources, updates and community activity

Read more from Welcome To Slater!

Are you using Webflow localization? We've received several requests to provide better support for it, so we're working on an update. I just finished writing the code. We need to do some testing before releasing the update early next week. Community library scripts ⏯️ Pause/Reset Video Embed on Click Stops all iframe videos by resetting their source on '.close-video' button click. From Corey Moen. ⏰ Progress Bar TimerJavaScript code to dynamically update a progress bar based on time between...

The AI world moves fast, and we are keeping up. This week, OpenAI released a new model, GPT 4.o mini. GPT 4.0 mini is an improved, cost-effective model that we are supporting under Slater's free tier. The default Slater AI will continue to be powered by GPT 3.5 as we test GPT 4.0 mini, but you can configure GPT 4.0 mini or even GPT 4.0 (paid) today. Community library scripts πŸ“ Fix Paragraph Runts With Nonbreaking SpacePrevent single-word runts in HTML elements with the class `.no-runt`. From...

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